Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our Histio Warrior is Winning!

Our little Benjamin is fighting his LCH! We learned today that his bone lesions on his skull are once again much improved, or "substantial reduction in size" is the description the Radiologist used in his report. The LCH spots in his lungs are non-existent. There is no evidence of the mass in his mediastinal area of his chest as well! No new lesions or problems were found- which was a worry for us. We feel so relieved and excited! Another significant blessing that I haven't mentioned before is that Dr. Fluchel told us that he is a little surprised that Benjamin doesn't have DI (Diabetes Insipidus). Because of Benjamin's lesions near his CNS (Central Nervous System- brain), he has a much higher likelihood that he would have DI. So far, Benjamin has no signs of it and we are so thankful! Feeling hopeful, we watch him constantly and pray for the best! We feel overwhelming gratitude to Heavenly Father for all of these blessings. He has been watching over Benjamin- we know it. There is no question in our minds that these blessings are the result of the many prayers, fasting, and the priesthood blessings on Benjamin's behalf! We owe Heavenly Father our gratitude for it all! No coincidences here- just direct blessings from heaven!

This past week, I have finally taken the opportunity to contact other "histio" (histiocytosis) families on-line. As rare as the disease is, there are many in our country who do suffer from LCH. Most are young children and babies like Benjamin. There are a few adults as well. As I have learned from my new "Histio Family", these affected people are called "Histio Warriors"! There are too many of them suffering every day along with their families. Many of them have a much worse case of the disease than Benjamin, where their more vital organs are affected, or their condition is more advanced. With all of the gratitude we feel today, I am still remembering the many new "family" members we have come to know recently who fight and fight this horrific disease!

In addition to our histio family, we are thinking of our wonderful friend and neighbor, Adam, who was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma this past week. If you know Adam, or even if you don't, we are asking you to remember him in your prayers. Adam will begin his course of therapy (chemo, then radiation)next week! Adam, we know you will be blessed and watched over! Heavenly Father is mindful of you and your family! Have faith in all the prayers to heaven that will be said on your behalf! Prayer is real and it most definitely works! We think you are wonderful!

As for our little Histio Warrior, (the real reason for this blog) he was so happy and pleasant today. Once again, it pains me to give him his steroid that will make him not so pleasant and happy, but it is worth it to have such good results as we did today! The plan is to continue his every-three-week treatment plan through October. Then, if all continues to be well, we should be able to have his port removed. He will then be followed at Oncology every three months for a year approximately, then every six months for a couple of years. Then maybe every year after that for a couple more years- assuming he has no LCH recurrences!

Thanks for always inquiring about our little guy! We appreciate all of the love and friendship we have felt all around us.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sickness in the Spring

Last, Wednesday, April 27th, was supposed to be chemotherapy day. As it turned out, Benjamin had a fever during our clinic visit. Instead of getting the Vinblastine, the routine fever work-up was done because they have to rule out any bacterial infections that might be caused by his IV port. A viral panel was done in addition where they found that he had Rhinovirus (just a plain old cold!). Nothing more was ever found but the poor little guy is still sick almost a week later, only without a fever thankfully!

The next day, Benjamin still had the fever. Only this time daddy, who played Mr. Mom for a couple of days while I was gone to BYU Women's Conference, got the opportunity to spend the day at the hospital with Benjamin! It was a long day for all of us, especially Dad! (I didn't enjoy Women's Conference as much as I would have liked to due to worry and concern for Benjamin and a possibility that they would admit him to the hospital again.)

Doug was ready to go back to work pretty quickly after playing "Mom" for those two days! But he was a trooper and took great care of Benjamin and the kids. We continued to worry about Benjamin's fever until Saturday morning when it finally seemed to break.

The doctor who saw Benjamin on Thursday insisted on giving him his chemotherapy afterall. If I would have been there, I would have protested. But now this week I am thankful that I don't have to make that long trip to the hospital again after all. Unfortunately for Benj, he still doesn't feel well and is having to take the dreaded Prednisone on top of it all for the next few days.

Interestingly enough, the Prednisone makes Benjamin hyper (in addition to the irritability). His hyperactivity is kind of funny! We laugh at him as he suddenly becomes intense at running, throwing things, and yelling! He cracks us up as a family! This morning, just after I got Benjamin dressed, Maile, his four-year-old sister, took off Benjamin's pants and then his diaper. He was running free throughout the house with her following and they both were having a great time! I decided to laugh with them and then was touched with a satisfactory mom moment! I realized that I LOVE my job as a mom! I'm thankful that Doug loves his job at his work and is supportive of me being at home!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms, grandmas, and women everywhere! What a blessing in this earthly life! I especially am thankful for my children, including my sick, but happy little guy! It is a privilege to be Benjamin's mom!

Follow-up testing for his LCH will occur in two weeks. I will blog the results then!