Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Post-poning Chemotherapy

Bottom picture: Benjamin attempting to color at the activity table in the Oncology Clinic.

Top picuture: Our family at Temple Square on Easter morning! That was a wonderful day!

Benjamin has been sick again, the poor guy! He has had a fever and cold symptoms. We spent Friday evening at the PCMC ER for the routine fever work-up. Then throughout the weekend he seemed to improve. Monday morning he was still showing signs of being sick. Finally, yesterday afternoon he had a fever again. We arrived at the clinic at 1:45, just me and Benj. Once again, the usual routine was done including IV fluids infusion, which is always nice because it seems to help him perk up quicker. They discovered from a viral panel done on Friday that he does have rhinovirus again (just a simple cold virus). But this gives them a possible reason for the fever so they don't seem to worry quite so much that he could have a bacterial infection in his port.

As a result of this, his chemotherapy which was suppose to be today will be post-poned until next Wednesday. This will give him a chance to recover. However, he still has a low-grade fever right now and an awful cough. We'll see how tonight goes!

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